We are Proud to announce the launch of the FOP 89 Outreach Foundation! This 501c3 will focus on supporting our members and our community through community engagement and education! Stay tuned and help our mission by making your tax deductible donation today!!
Please support The FOP 89 Outreach Foundation, Inc with a TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation. The goal of our Non-Profit is to increase community support and interaction between our members and the community through events, outreach, and education. Your donation will directly fund efforts to support our hardworking members, increase community support and build positive relationships between our members and our community!
EIN 99-4712494
2905 Old Largo Road
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
P.O. Box 510
Lothian, MD 20711
© Copyright 2024 Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 89. All Rights Reserved.
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