Job Announcement
Please see the below job announcement from the Elizabethtown Police Department in Pa. Chief Cunningham is a retired Pittsburgh PD commander and fellow FOP member. He is looking to attract our retired and our soon to be retired and experienced Officers for their department.
Good afternoon, Paul,
I hope all is well for you and our brothers and sisters over there! I wanted to reach out and let you know that I’m hiring (again). I’ve attached the announcement, an application, and a benefit summary for our department. I’m actually sharing the test with two other departments, so one application is good for three agencies.
If you would be so kind as to pass the word around, I’d be grateful!
Thanks, and stay safe!
Chief Ed Cunningham, MS
Chief of Police
Elizabethtown Police
600 South Hanover Street
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
717-367-6540 x251 (voice)
717-367-2332 (fax)
717-367-1835 (county dispatch)
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