MONTHLY Eastern Shore Lunch

April 18, 2022 By

Apparently there’s some confusion over the email sent last week, about the monthly lunch gatherings.


It included the date I sent the message, which has people believing they missed it.


We get together every 3rd Wednesday of the month.


Our next function will be on April 20th, at 11:30.




Lunch on the Eastern Shore

For those retirees living or visiting the shore, please join us every 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 11:30, for lunch at “The Salted Rim Margarita Bar & Grille,” located in Millville, Delaware

Familiar faces seen at most gathering are… Rick Poundsberry (organizer), Tom Jensen, Glenn Long, Bobby Eyre among others.

If you’re interested in joining us, please give me a call.

-Joe Frohlich #795
