Retired Association July 2023 Meeting Minutes – Next meeting tomorrow 8/2

August 1, 2023 By

July 2023 Retired Association Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by Vice President Diane Salen at 1800, the final roll call was held for the following members:

Sgt. Hank Anderson #741

Cpl. William Duck #1715


Prayers were offered for the following members who lost loved ones: Brother Beau Jarvis lost his father Harold Jarvis. Rick and Diane Salen who lost Diane’s Aunt, Elizabeth Plummer


Prayers for a speedy and complete recovery for Larry Duggar, Brother of Brother Tom Hollowell #1550

Pledge of Allegiance

Seldom Seen: Corey Ricks, Joan Saxon an Honorary member

New Retirees: Cindy Thompson

Guests: Mike Burley

Old Business:

1) The Memorial Service for Sgt. Hank Anderson #741 will be held on July 5, 2023 from 2-6 at the Lodge.

2) Reception for William Duck will be held Thursday, July 6 at the Sol Levinson Funeral Home 8900 Reisterstown Road Pikesville Md. 21208 from 5-8.

Funeral for William Duck will be held Friday, July 7 at the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center 10431 Twin Rivers Road, Columbia Maryland at 1100. Internment at Crownsville Veterans Cemetery following the Service. Repast to be held at 1530 at 5801 Security Blvd. Baltimore Md 21207.

3) Pat Zulueta contacted the membership about a job opportunity for a General Clerk IV that will serve as a Court Liaison. Job listing can be found on the County website.

4) USCP Training Instructor, specifically for In-Service Training and will be located in DC not Cheltenham. The starting salary is 105,000

5) Denny Husk Memorial Scholarship Forms were sent out to the membership. Children and Grandchildren of Active and Retired members are eligible to apply. Deadline for applications are due August 31st.

Presidents Report: President Constantino was unable to attend as Carol was out of town.

Secretaries report Mike Landrum: 884 members.

Treasurers report Milt Crump: current balance $51,144.61

FOP Report:

President Consoli reported that the COPS Ride raised $56,000 President Consoli extended thanks to Percy Alston and Josh Feldman the District I shop steward for all their work on the COPS Ride.

VP Paul Mazzei designed and had a FOP 89 Lodge patch made and they are available for $5.00.

Finance Committee: No requests


50/50 raffle winner was Linda Dixon $127.00.

Attendance Raffle: Leslie Popielarcheck, not present

Attendance: 61 Members signed.

Good of the Order:

1. Ocean City Reunion- October 19-22 Rooms are available at the Grand room code is PGFP23. We will do the crab feast Saturday night at Waterman’s and looking at two alternatives for Friday night: Embers now called Blu Crab and Salty Dog, we are trying to determine prices and if they have a space that we can all gather in.

Jack Magruder is arranging the golf outings again this year.

2. Ben Browns retirement celebration will be held July 21 in the Pavilion.

3. Harlow Sails, who murdered Raymond Hubbard, is set to have a psychological evaluation to determine his risk to the public before a final determination is made to grant him parole.

4. VP Sherrice Carpenter asked us to pray for the officers still working the streets as they continue to face challenges.

5. Bob Zidek is up for calls and visitors.

6. Chief Rhoads inquired as to why the retirees aren’t paid on a Friday if a Holiday falls on a Saturday, just as the active members are.

Next meeting is Wednesday, August 2, 2023 6:00 p.m.