June 30, 2023 By

To the Men and Women of the Prince George’s County Police Department,

The Department and FOP89 are excited to announce the opening of the official staffing and shift plan survey.

More than a year of research, study, and collaboration have brought us here. Through reports, informational videos, and town hall sessions we have attempted to answer your questions and provide information as to why change may be beneficial. Now is the time for your voices to be heard.

Survey details and expectations:

This survey aims to identify your preferences across several staffing alternatives, including hold overs, re-deployments, shift plans, and bid systems.

  • A link to the survey has been provided below.
  • Survey is completely anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
  • The Department and FOP89 hope to obtain FULL participation from the membership. Full participation allows the committee to draw conclusions that are as accurate as possible and that are a true representation of current views held by departmental employees.
  • Sworn employees holding the ranks of Patrol Officer through Lieutenant, as well as non-Sworn employees, are invited to vote.
  • The survey company will provide results to the Department and the FOP separated by sworn and non-sworn employee responses.
  • The survey will capture your departmental identification number. However, identification numbers WILL NOT be delivered to the Department or the FOP. The survey company will remove that information from all survey results. Your identification number is only being captured to ensure repeat votes are not counted.


This survey is now open and will close at 2359 hours on July 22nd.

We look forward to your responses and as always, Be Safe and Take Care of Yourself and Others!


Joint Sending Authority:

Malik Aziz                                                                               Angelo Consoli

Chief of Police                                                                         President, FOP Lodge 89