Retirees Information

Retirees Information

*Reminder – Brother Phil Constantino is mostly working from home. Please contact Phil via phone (240-441-5921) or via email @ for any Retiree related issues/FOP Tag concerns in addition to the resources detailed below*

County’s Pension Fund

This is the web site to view your monthly check, W2, 1099R.


CIGNA Healthcare Members Customer Service is now open 24/7. The number is (800) 244-6224.

Retired ID

If you need to get a Retired ID issued, you need to contact the Police Personnel Division at (301) 780-8195.

Retired Association is for use of Retired Association business and to send out membership notifications. is Toni Frostbutter Nelson personal email.

Please see below from the retired association reference a job announcement from

Please see below from the retired association reference an AMTRAK job announcement.

Hello Brothers and Sisters: Yes there a Retired Association Meeting on Wednesday

Please keep Retired Officer Mike Riker in your prayers. Mike had sextuplet

UPDATED INFORMATION: Funeral services for Corporal Fortson will be as follows: Sunday,

It is with Deep Sadness that the membership of the Retired Administration

  View Virtual Police Week Schedule of Events This year, hundreds of

It is with Great Sadness that the membership  of the Retired Association

It is with Deep Regret that the Retired Association membership is notified

Brothers & Sisters, Another trying year has passed since our last Virtual